
Kirsty's before & after imagesHer words are very inspiring for other busy mums, and check out her bikini bod now.. Just WOW!!!

“I started Justine’s Mind Body Overhaul program in April last year and completed two rounds- I was breastfeeding, sleep deprived and trying to juggle two young children at the time. I thought that I was ready for the challenge of transforming my body and put a LOT of pressure on myself to achieve big goals in a short period of time and you know what, I just wasn’t ready for that yet…BUT after completing the two rounds I took on all of the invaluable things that I had learned- how to train hard and eat right- and slowly started to incorporate the changes into my life.
Justine’s program definitely does work!! You just need to soak it all up and plug away at your goals at your own pace. It may take 4 weeks or it may take a year but if you don’t give up you will make progress!
Justine has given me the education and the inspiration to keep going and I can’t thank them enough for this”

Sam's before & after imagesI approached Justine for help because I was really down about the way I looked, and I felt unfit and healthy. I remember sending my first photos to her and could hardly look at them! I knew Justine would be able to provide what I needed, which was mainly just a kick up the bum! But what I got from her was so much more! Justine encouraged me to start loving myself and be comfortable in the body that I have. She truly understands the pressures of being a working mum and that sometimes we just don’t have time to fit in exercise and meal planning! Her meal plans were personalised and she had heaps of suggestions for meals to keep things exciting, all being super easy to make. I’ve really enjoyed feeling strong from the weight training too, and she changes it up so regularly to keep your body guessing!

I have had a fantastic result from the program, and I am so proud and confident in myself now. I love going to the gym and feeling fit and healthy again. I have lost a total of 16kg since July 2016 and between 15-24cm off my major measurements! Thank you Justine for your amazing program, you have really improved my health and I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to improve their lifestyle in the long-term!

I have always loved health and fitness.


I was never a slim kid and always carried a bit baby fat. I made a decision one day that I would do everything in my power to look the way I wanted and to feel that feeling of confidence when I looked in the mirror. I did it.. I went from 75kgs down to 60kgs. Across two years. Just from cardio and healthy eating.

I come from a basketball background and I used to love cross country running when I was younger. I then in my later years moved on to becoming a regular weekly Fitness First patron. I have always loved my cardio, whether it is smashing out a 6km run on the treadmill or doing a killer RPM class, it was all I would ever do.

But since the weight loss and life change, I started to do some swimwear modelling and needed to shape my body, tone it up and do something extra. So I did my research on the Personal Trainers around Melbourne. And never actually locked one in. That was until I found Justine.
Justine was a facebook friend of mine. I would love to read her blogs, they were always filled with so much positivity and zest for life, I was so inspired by her outlook and not to mention her cracking hot body. I knew I would benefit so much from Justine, she had just won a Sports Model Competition so I knew her knowledge for the women’s body was second to none.

But it wasn’t just the training and her knowledge, it was her attitude to life, her passion and her motivation to keep striving higher. Every time I would read a status of hers or read her responses to her clients/friends I was interested to meet this woman. I said to myself “there’s your PT right there she is so real, so genuine and definitely the woman who is going to train me”.

So I contacted her and we had our first session, we clicked immediately. I felt like I had known her for years. We train hard but we also talk and have loads of fun. We have become close friends in such a short time, probably because we are very similar in so many ways.
Now onto the actual training. What can I say? I never thought my body could be shaped the way it is right now and the way it is continuing to form is amazing. I could not be happier with how I look and feel. Patience is the key because the results I’m seeing now after 6 months of training with her are so rewarding! If you follow Juzzy’s diet plan and training tips for those days that she doesn’t train you then you are set for success and an amazing rig!!!
Training without Juzzy as my PT is not an option. Juzzy’s got me for life. I can’t begin to imagine after another 6 months the shape she will have me in. I’m excited, I’m motivated and I absolutely love my life so much more now that Justine is my Personal Trainer.

I have gained a Personal Trainer, a life coach and a friend for life.

Nicole Pratt

Up until I moved interstate recently, Justine was my personal trainer for about two years. Like many, I was unhappy with my body and struggled to commit to an exercise regime. For years, I tried to exercise on a regular basis but often ended up making excuses, talking myself out of it.. ‘I’m too busy’, ‘I’m too tired, I’ll run tomorrow’… I just lacked the discipline to make it stick and I never pushed myself hard when I did.

Finally, I decided to join my local gym and was paying for an un-used gym membership until I met Justine. Immediately, I knew this trainer was serious and was deeply committed to see me accomplish my own personal goals. The more I learnt about her, the more respect I had for her – her commitment to not only train her clients but to also be trained by her own personal trainer to reach her own personal goals for competitions convinced me that she was the real deal. This ‘practice what you preach’ attitude sold me on her sincerity to want to see me succeed and her determination never wavered. Week to week, Justine motivated me to improve my diet and focus on my exercise to suit my needs. Being a strict vegetarian, she was an immense help to ensure I was eating the right foods too. One thing that I found absolutely invaluable was that Justine not just told me what to eat and how to exercise but why. Giving some context really helped me commit to this new lifestyle long term and now I’m finding that without her, I am sticking to the healthy eating and exercising that I once found so difficult to maintain by myself.

While the last couple of years were a struggle, I don’t think I could’ve managed what I have achieved without her – I have lost the dress sizes I wanted, I look healthy and I feel amazing! I never thought I would feel so happy about myself – I feel so empowered and finally in control! I know I never would’ve felt and looked like this without her. Justine, you have changed my life!”
Forever grateful


I’ve been training with Justine for two years and during this time Justine has challenged my strengths and weaknesses to reach my goals. Justine has been an inspiration to me through her knowledge, skills and experience in personal training and nutrition. While training with Justine I and others have noticed significant changes in my body shape and definition. Thanks to Justine I love the way I look and feel and I look forward to meeting with her every week.

Daniela Marandola

Fitness is a way of life for Justine. She inspires her clients to reach their goals and tailors sessions to maximize results. That’s the best motivation you can get..!

Don Hany – Australian Actor

I have always been fairly healthy and loved exercise, I cranked up my fitness when I became engaged and got hooked on training 6 days a week. I did a lot of cardio and a couple of pump classes a week. About a year ago now I changed my routine and started lifting weights 4 – 5 days a week and doing cardio also, however found that while I was building muscle that my body wasn’t changing for the amount of effort I was putting in. I was really healthy with my diet and would not allow myself to go above 1200cals I was obsessed with calorie counting and exercising for at least 1 ½ hours a day with a 2 ½ hour stint on a Saturday. I was tired and exhausted and just wanted to sleep all the time as I had no energy.
I began doing a lot of research and loved the fitness industry and found myself always looking a sports models, and admired their physiques and the time and dedication it took to get there. I tried all sorts of different things and started to get really depressed with why my body wasn’t changing when I was putting in soo much effort. Then I came across Justine, I had heard a lot about her from different forums I was on and always enjoyed her blogs and honesty and found my motivation to keep going. I emailed Justine for help with input on my nutrition plan and workout and she was so helpful she gave me advice on my workout and changed my eating plan completely.

She advised to stop calorie counting, food isn’t bad, and put me on a macronutrient plan, ensuring I got the essential foods I needed for my training to be affective and also amended my workout and taught me to realise that I didn’t need to spend hours in the gym to get results I needed to work smarter. In the next 2 weeks my body started transforming before my eyes, it was amazing and I had more energy than I have had in a long time. I then decided that I wanted to meet with Justine and discuss the possibility of Sports Modelling competitions and if she believed I would be suited for it. Now I am a part of the DHS Divas team and currently training for my first ever comp in April.

Justine is the most inspirational and motivational person I have ever met, her passion for this industry and for changing people’s life’s is so inspiring and keeps me wanting to improve myself. I look forward to my PT sessions with Justine as she always makes me feel better, stronger and gives me the confidence I need to know that I can do this and be the best version of myself. Justine has changed my life, and my outlook on life. I am a very controlled person and feel very uneasy when I cannot get a grasp on everything around me but with the support and dedication from Justine, she has taught me to stop trying to control the uncontrollable and focus on what I can. I am a happier and healthier person because of Justine I enjoy the time I spend in the gym, with my family and most importantly with myself and this is because of her.

I will be forever grateful that I met Justine and know that with Justine and the guidance of the DHS Team that the sky is endless.

Thank you Justine for being exactly who you are the most amazing, inspirational, dedicated and motivation person I have ever met you have definitely changed my life xx


Leonie dropped 6% body fat following my methods to achieve her dream body and was finally able to achieve her goal which was to compete as a Fitness Model.

Justine has been an amazing coach. She has helped me broaden my understanding of nutrition and uses her knowledge and experience to achieve the results you desire be it fat loss or muscle gain. Her training methods are motivating and enjoyable. I actually looked forward to training sessions!! She has absolutely BLOWN me away in how nurturing, confidence inspiring and emotionally lifting she is! Never did I think I could achieve so much in such a short amount of time! Thank you Juzzy!

Leonie xx

Before and After of my client Michelle who has dropped more than 10kgs and 8% body fat since training with me and following my methods!

I have always been an active person. As a child I was always playing sport. Having trained myself in the gym for a couple of years and also going through some family stress I fell off the fitness bandwagon.

After following Justine’s Facebook page for a little while and noticing she had PT spots opening up in Prahran I decided it was time to reach out and ask for help. This was one of the best decisions I could have made.

Training with Justine has been amazing and I am seeing some awesome results. Not only is Justine a great trainer and adequately lives what she preaches but she is also a fantastic person. She genuinely wants to see her clients succeed and she loves to help people. No two sessions are exactly the same which keeps things interesting. I look forward to my weekly sessions with Juzzy and have gained a trainer as well as a friend and know this is only the beginning of my fitness journey.
After 6 months of training with Justine I have lost 10 kgs and 8% bodyfat and now believe I can achieve anything I set my mind to. Her methods and diet and training program have taken my body type into account and with Justine’s many years of experience we are seeing fantastic results. I am also stronger and have increased my lean muscle mass, while at the same time I am now smaller that what I was when I was 18!

If you are looking for a quality personal trainer in the Melbourne area I have no hesitations in recommending Justine. She is so much more than just a PT and has a wealth of experience in the fitness industry and is a genuine person which is hard to find in this industry.

Thank you Juzzy for being you and helping me achieve my goals and help me become a much happier person. I am forever grateful and look forward to what the future holds.

Michelle xx

One of my amazing 12 week body transformations. Dani trained with me and followed my methods to get her body into the best shape of her life by dropping 6% body fat. She went on to place 3rd in her first bikini competition and is now set for a great season as a bikini competitor.