The dreaded CARBS…. Do they make you fat?

I have been on all sorts of diets over the years that have been prescribed to me from various coaches. I was made to believe for a long time that carbs are the enemy and I lived off a high protein, high fat diet. I now know that this was not good for me at all and hope that others do not make the same mistake that I did. I trusted my coach at the time but I do feel that if I had of continued on that path I would have ended up with all sorts of issues.

I have been eating my fair share of carbs lately being pregnant as that is what my body has been needing and I can tell you now I have NOT put on 20kg overnight. I am gaining weight slowly and healthily throughout my pregnancy due to my training not been as intense and I am obviously eating more of the bad carbs, which I am allowing myself to do GUILT FREE for once in my life 😉

You will hear it a lot these days that carbs make you fat!!!! The truth is that they can….but all you need to do is eat the right carbs at the right time and you will never store them as fat, in fact you will use them as fuel!


Here are 3 simple carb timing tricks that you can keep in mind so that you are not eating them at the wrong time and wondering why your belly isn’t budging and you are storing more fat than you would like to!

1) A good time to consume healthy carbs like non-processed 
starches and fruits is first thing in the morning or upon waking.

This is because you have fasted all night while you sleep so your glycogen levels have been somewhat depleted and this leaves extra room for carbs to replenish lower glycogen stores without fat storage. 

Also your metabolic rate runs at its highest during the morning 
hours than it will later in the day so you’ll more likely use these carbs as 
energy. Insulin sensitivity is also higher when you wake up than 
other times of the day, which allows your body to utilize carbs and limit fat storage, this is especially effective if you exercise in the a.m.
2) An even better time to consume starches and fruits is a few hours before high intensity resistance training (bodyweight circuits, metabolic resistance 
training, etc.) or a heavier weight training session.
This will ensure that these carbs are used as energy during and after the workout to avoid fat storage– and provide sustained energy throughout the workout. Better performance equals more fat and calories burned during and after the workout.

3) The best time to consume carbs from starches and fruits is in your post workout anabolic window of opportunity, which is anywhere from 1 to 3 hours 
after high intensity training.
Regardless if your goal is fat loss, strength, performance, energy, improved health or anything else, it’s critical for you to understand the process of food timing.

When you do, you’ll improve your insulin sensitivity dramatically, which will improve your body’s ability to burn ugly fat as fuel on a daily ongoing basis and who doesn’t want that?

These days I think it is crazy that some people will still put alcohol, drugs and toxins into their bodies but they won’t eat some sweet potato or eat fruit!!! This kind of mentality is warped and there is absolutely no logic to it!! This cartoon pic below made me laugh, maybe it isn’t heroin we are asking for ( I would hope) but you kind of get the message behind what I am trying to say.

berry cartoon carbs

Educating yourself on the facts and allowing your body to fuel off the right foods will only benefit you in the long run and help you to live in an energy filled body that won’t burn out!

Be kind to your body, nourish it with the right foods at the right time and aim for a body that is healthy for life and not just lean for a week!!!

Lets all be happy little carb muncher’s together 🙂

Justine xx

There really is no other way to reach your goals without a little thing called self belief. If you are not in your own corner backing yourself 100% then I am afraid you just won’t get there.

Goal setting is crucial for life, you should set yourself not only fitness related goals but spiritual, emotional and mental goals. There are so many aspects to living and if you focus solely on one you will miss out on a lot of what life has to offer.

Lately I have been challenged in a few ways.. I have been going through a transitional phase.. I am one to always see the bright side of life and keep moving forward but this does not mean that I don’t have bad days and days where it all seems too much. We are all human after all and if we don’t have the low points we genuinely can’t rebuild ourselves to take on the challenges that life will always throw at us.

Taking a few months off from photo shoots and comps etc I went out and I had some fun, I lived a very social life and it was fun at the time, I really needed to do that after having a very serious year working and training my butt off.

While I was in that social phase I started to doubt who I was and where I was heading, I started to feel a tad lost and a lot overwhelmed by the task at hand and by the goals that I had set myself.

To get me out of this rut I started implementing mini goals, I knew that if I was to look at the big picture I would freak out and I could have stayed in that rut. So I booked in a training video shoot to get my head back in the clean eating game and I started aiming towards that. I then booked in a photo shoot in Sydney for my own port folio (which is what I am training for right now). These mini goals are easy to focus on and they don’t scare me, they have helped me move forward and get me out of that rut. It is like a clog ticking over in my head, once I have achieved that mini goal I tick it off and move on to the next mini goal. When that clog is in motion you can’t help but move forward from the momentum of it. Not only do you feel self satisfaction but you start to feel GOOD and you want to keep that clog ticking over and over.

This week alone I have begun to really land on my feet and have had some very exciting news in regards to magazine publications, media opportunities, a potential weekly radio gig and new sponsorships. I can honestly say that I feel like I am moving forward one mini goal at a time. The people that are in my life are in my corner, I have some amazing people who genuinely want me to succeed. I have sorted out those that I don’t believe to be true or those that are not on the same path as me, they are not bad people they just can’t be in my bubble. I need people I can trust 100% in my life right now.

I have my eyes set on the prize now and I know what I need to do, it doesn’t scare me anymore because I can see the path opening up for me and I am feeling more and more confident everyday.

I always like to share my story with my followers so you can see that it isn’t easy for anyone to achieve greatness, it takes time, effort and a lot of energy to get there. When you have moments and it all seems too much you have to embrace them and take them for what they are. You have to trust that it is happening for a reason and that you WILL come out on top and much better off for it.

Start now by looking at the big picture then work backwards setting yourself mini goals then start to work towards those mini goals and watch your life change.

You have to believe in YOU and be your biggest support, you only get one shot at life so I say get goal setting and never lose sight of the vision!!!

Justine xx


I know that many of you out there really struggle with food choices when you have weekends away and are out of your usual routine. That been the case, I thought I would give you a few suggestions on how you can make better choices and not come home from your trip feeling like you’ve gone back to square one.

As you all know I travel loads with work and usually have no choice but to eat out at for every meal.

Here is an outline of the foods I eat while I am travelling.

-For breakfast I always opt for an omelet, if I am not on strict diet mode I will have whole eggs, if I am dieting I will have only egg whites. I like to add mushrooms, spinach and feta to my omlets.

-For snacks I will carry low carb protein bars with me for emergencies and I will also carry some almonds/raw nuts on me at all times. The bars that I feel are the best are Maxine burn bars, they taste yum and are very low in calories and carbs. It is crucial to have these snacks on you so that when you feel peckish and it has been a few hours since your last meal that you have them there to tide you over rather than heading into a 7/11 for a sugar hit. We all know that it is important to eat every 2-3 hours to keep the metabolism in check so keep your snacks as high protein/good fats as you can.

-Lunches and dinners I will always order a chicken salad or chicken and veggies or if I can still order breaky I will have eggs again (at lunch), I always like to eat low carb/high protein. If I need to I’ll ask them to make adjustments to my meal ie dressing on the side, no croutons etc. Restaurants are usually more than happy to make meals that you ask for..Please note I have to be carb sensible if I don’t train in the time that I am away. If you are exercising I would suggest ingesting complex carbs either before or after your training session. In general I don’t like to eat a lot of grains or starchy carbs as they make me feel sluggish and bloated.

-Be sure to buy a 2 ltr of water a day and drink that throughout the day, stay hydrated, even if it means you need a ‘wee’ stop every half hour 😉
Sticking to a strict eating regime can be tough when traveling but only if you aren’t organised and mentally strong to be able to say NO to the foods that are only going to

a) make you feel guilty or
b) take you 2 steps backwards.

-The biggest thing is to watch your alcohol intake as alcohol really does set you back. I still managed to really enjoy my weekend and I didn’t once feel like I was missing out on anything 🙂

Hope this helps you guys when you are travelling xx